General Out of Game Policies
DR:MI events are for players ages 18+ by default. Players ages 14 to 17 can be approved on a case-by-case basis, and must have a legal guardian’s permission and/or presence to participate in game. If you wish approval for an individual aged 14-17 to attend game, please send an email to with a request and we will work with you on the details.
Vaccination Requirement
All participants are required to be up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations and must show proof of vaccination. Negative test results will not be accepted as a replacement for proof of vaccination status.
We encourage people to email us their proof of vaccination ( ahead of time.
For the safety of other players and staff, we have set a COVID-19 policy in place. Those with infectious symptoms (such as a new cough, fever, or vomiting) or who have had direct prolonged exposure to a known COVID-19 case within a week of game will be asked to stay home. If symptoms appear at game, you may be asked to leave the event.
If your circumstances unexpectedly change and you find yourself no longer able to attend an event, please email in to as soon as you are able. DR:MI is happy to offer full refunds for registration as long as the request is made over 48 hours in advance. Players requesting cancellation within the 48 hour period before game will instead be given the option to donate their ticket, switch to non-attending (if local), or put the cost of registration as pre-paid credit towards your next attendance at DR:MI.
Our campsite has many beds available! We have two dorms with over a hundred beds in each, with additional private rooms in the lodge. During the summer months, you are welcome to tent in areas designated by the staff. Due to the weather in our location, the season for tenting is strictly in the summer only.
We have ample parking space very close to the lodge. During game, some modules may walk through and come near the parking lot, and the residents living on the site must still be able to commute in and out of the site, so please park mindfully.
If you require Out of Game sleep, please email with a request. We will not mandate a doctor’s note for medical issues, however, we would like to be briefly informed of the reason you need out-of-game sleep. The reason for this is so we are aware of medical dangers and risks present at our site, and that we can reserve the space for those who need it most. Our medical sleep area is limited with only about 30 places, so be mindful. Remember that being in game is part of the experience, and if you are capable, you should be in game!
Smoking is permitted on our site, but must stay outside at a minimum of 10 feet from buildings. PLEASE police your butts! There are plenty of garbage cans and disposal areas. Starting a fire is permitted in designated firepits (they’re impossible to miss!) and must be tended to by an individual at all hours they are burning. If you leave, put your fire out. Disregarding fire safety rules can result in a suspension from our game.
Be careful and mindful about your personal properties, and try not to bring any valuables to Dystopia Rising. This is not to say you will have your items stolen, but accidents can happen, things can fall, and it might be better to not have your expensive new iPad in your bag when that happens. Try not to bring anything you mind seeing damaged.
Real world money may not be exchanged for items of In Game Value, ever. Please do not trade any goods or services for real cash from game on to game off. So for example, if player A wants to pay Player B to feed them tuna sandwiches all weekend, player A can pay them before game, or after, but not slip them 5$ per sandwich throughout the event.