FACTIONS OF Mercy Pointe
Mercy Pointe is home to quite a few different factions, all trying to make their home on the coast. You might find they’re all connected and opposed in intricate ways… and perhaps a few are interested in you. This list is by no means exhaustive, and as soon as one group collapses, you’ll find more coming to roost in this dramatic, active setting.
Main Factions
The six main factions of Mercy Pointe form the core of the settlement’s economy and constitute the usual ally factions you’ll see in town. Characters can join, invest in, and enjoy trade with these groups!
Wayfaring Strangers
The seaside Wayfaring Strangers are a Sainthood organization built around the notion of hospitality. This faction commonly sails the waters in the lakesea area looking for lost souls, lost items, and helping wherever they can. Recently, they have set permanent roots within the town of Mercy Pointe, being the “face” of the settlement. While altruistic in nature, many fear that the helpful nature of this faction may lead to its own downfall. Or, and perhaps the more believed theory, is that this altruism is a facade.
Major Face NPCS: Elias “Stormcatcher Tharen”, Jake Jimmy James
Faction Specialties: Sailing, Social Interactions
The Orchard
If you are hiking off the beaten path in Mercy Pointe, you are probably within The Orchard’s territory. The Orchard is an organization dedicated to the protection of the plants and animals within Mercy Pointe and the surrounding area. With Driftwood Dover’s destruction, they are even more keen to protect what still remains. This faction has taken a more militant tone in the present day, attempting to protect what they call their own. Along with the militaristic growth, this faction has begun expeditions below ground, hoping to care for all the flora and fauna within the ecosystem.
Major Face NPCS: Ray, Ambrosia Simmons
Faction Specialties: Faith, Nature
Derived from the great inventors of the past, this faction strives to provide the Wasteland with the glitz and glamour of Pre-Fall moving pictures. The Gearworkers are a faction based around sound, sight, and communication, being the reason why Mercy Pointe has a radio tower. This faction seems to have a chip on their shoulder… or perhaps it’s a grudge? Whatever it may be, tread carefully around this faction. You never know what they might do if you turn your back on them.
Major Face NPCS: 60 Lumons Sam, Lecheon Fron
Faction Specialties: Technology, Economics
Craddock Society
If you’ve ever spent sleepless nights wondering about the secrets of the Mortis, the Craddock Society may be to your liking. This faction specializes in the dead, dying, and how to communicate with them. Caroline Fox, the de facto head of the Craddock Society, is a famous Necrokineticist from the area, claiming that she can speak with the dead. The faction is also headed by Henri Whodunnit, an eccentric Vegasian paranormal investigator, hellbent on getting proof of a real-life ghost! Recently, this faction has come to the newly-created Mercy Pointe to advertise their services and to find new talent for their ever-growing organization.
Major Face NPCS: Caroline Fox, Henri Whodunnit
Faction Specialties: Mortis, Aberrant
Hope’s Hand
This faction has developed due to the sheer number of those in the Wasteland that have found themselves without homes, families, or anything of their own. While many have fallen to despair and resentment to the world, Hope’s Hand is built around the belief that, while their worlds have fallen apart, others may still have hope. Hope’s Hand is a militant faction that recently was pushed north due to the harsh condition of the wasteland. With the promise of a new settlement, Mercy Pointe, the faction at large decided to put down some roots to protect the hope of those that call this place home.
Major Face NPCS: Milo Vital, Marigold Flowers
Faction Specialties: Military, Protection
The Chronicle
You ever wonder how your local news source gets their information? Well the answer may be The Chronicle! This faction is focused on information, both the gathering and sharing of it. A group of reporters, researchers, librarians, and investigators that are dedicated to tracking the history of the world Post-Fall, they believe that now that the world has ended and has been reborn into the present day, their history deserves to be tracked and told.
Major Face NPCS: Thomas Fletch, Garret Fletch
Faction Specialties: Information, Investigation
Other Factions
Whispers of the Wind
As faith gets passed and traded throughout the settlement, so do the values and ideals of these faiths. Whispers of the Wind is a KQC band that follows the sounds of the sea. Headed by the fun-loving Flo Gowith, this band strives to share the beautiful sounds of the sea to those that will listen.
Major Face NPCS: Flo Gowith
The Firestarters
With a new town, comes new problems. The rowdy organization known as “The Firestarters” has set up shop within Mercy Pointe, deciding to bring mayhem and destruction to the town. Their criminal activity is unique to them, as they use fire as their primary tool of antagonism— causing blazes wherever they go.
Major Face NPCS: ???
The Nightingales
People come and go, but their knowledge forever remains. The Nightingales are a family of Quiet Folk that have practiced medicine for decades, potentially since before the fall if the rumors are true. Headed by the soft-spoken Vi Nightingale, this family migrated to Mercy Pointe soon after construction on the settlement began. Morality and end-goals are unknown about this family, but like it or not they are here to stay.
Major Face NPCS: Vi Nightingale