Guide Application

Interested in helping out at DR:MI? Have a talent for organization? Good with people? You could help us out as a Guide!

What is a Guide? A Guide is someone who accepts a higher level of responsibility at Dystopia Rising: Michigan. A Guide shift takes place during your standard Casting Block, replacing NPC time.

  • Operations (Ops) Guides take on the task of making sure there is content to run out in the field, and to take notes on the story that took place so that Writers can maintain proper continuity in their writing.

  • Rules Guides get NPCs ready to mobilize quickly, provide them with the proper stats and follow the NPCs to make sure mods are run as intended. After mods, they provide a summary to the Ops guide.

  • Public Works Guides run the Public Works and make sure that the most industrious of players get what they need with as little error as possible by filling out item cards and printing Blueprints.

  • New Player Guides run a New Player Orientation before each game that a new player will be in attendance. This Role requires a deeper knowledge of the game and community, so we’re looking for long time players, preferably who have Guide experience.


Being a Guide can be taxing at times and those who take on these important roles should subscribe to the notion of “self-care”. Thus, Guides at DR:MI are brought on seasonally, starting with the first game of a calendar year and ending with the last game of the calendar year. Guides are encouraged to review whether they have the energy to apply for the next year, and if not, take a break! You’re welcome to come back when you’re ready.

To all of our Guides Past, Present and Future… Thank You. Never stop being amazing. Please fill out the following form truthfully and to the best of your ability.