Financial Assistance Fund
If you have funds to spare and would like to support us by donating towards someone else in the community, there will now be a separate option available on our storefront. You can donate in $15 amounts- if you want to donate more, just raise the quantity in your cart. This money will go in a “pot,” and every $45 we raise will go towards a Maximum Casting Ticket for a player on the Financial Assistance Fund waitlist .
If you would like to put your name on the waitlist to receive a donated ticket, please fill out the form below. The waitlist is first come, first serve. We will never ask anyone for proof of need- we trust that players entering have their reasons for doing so. As $45 increment donations are reached, we will select people in chronological order from the waitlist to receive their ticket. These players will be contacted by email, to protect the privacy of those who might prefer their financial status remain private. The cut-off for any given month will be the day before pre-reg closes-- donations received afterwards will be placed towards the next month, instead.
In short, those on the waitlist should expect an email before pre-reg closes-- otherwise, their spot on the waitlist will be carried over for next month.
Currently, there is no limit to how many times a player may sign up for the assistance fund. However, any person who was chosen the previous month will be placed into a secondary waitlist the next month, so that less recent recipients can be given priority. This secondary pool will only be drawn from if the primary pool does not have enough recipients to meet the number of donated tickets.