Frequently Asked Questions
+ Campsite address
Clear Lake Camp, Battle Creek Outdoor Education Center 10160 M-37 Dowling, MI 49050
+ Campsite amenities
There are restrooms in the Lodge on the main floor. There are two Dorms (labeled boys & girls, though they are not restricted by gender for our purposes), with community semi-private bathrooms (toilets & showers separated by stalls / curtains). There are three wings within each Dorm, with ~26 bunk beds in each wing. There will be additional bunks on the 2nd floor, but this area is sectioned off for Med Sleep.
+ Cooking FAQ
For questions about cooking and food amenities, please check our Site Cooking FAQ.
+ Hospital
Bronson Battle Creek Hospital 300 North Ave, Battle Creek, MI 49017 ~20 minute drive / 15.3 miles
+ Gas station
Marathon Gas 8860 S M-37, Hastings, MI 49058 ~1 minute drive / 1.4 miles north of the campground.
Battle Creek has numerous gas stations, grocery stores, and pharmacies. The city is ~15 minutes / 12 miles south of the campground.